2024 has been a bit of a roller coaster. Work has been ridiculously busy and we started the first phase of renovating the house.
I think I’ve started every set of months notes saying I’ve been busy. But hoo boy was I not prepared for July! Thoughts on the general election, welsh politics, work, CrowdStrike, gin, house work and a final word on Twitter
2024-05 / 2024-06: Catch-up note - May & June 2024
Things got busy, and I predictably stopped writing. These are some brief catch-up notes for May & June dominated by work, my board, house renovation and Dilys
2024-04: April month note
I started writing this last week, and then got completely sidetracked. This has been one of those months where so much has happened, I probably should have written week notes instead. But you’re going to get this abbreviated (but still overly long) summary instead.
2024-03: March month note
I’m sure I only wrote one of these a few days ago - but apparently we’re almost in April. Unintentionally, this one is very focussed on my health / NHS based work. March 2024: presenting reports, health annual plan, house work, duty of candour and cooking
2024-02: February month note
Another month gone. It’s a cliche, but it really has just disappeared - I’m sure New Year was only a few weeks ago. But that means it’s time for another month note. February 2024: board, work, house renovation, turning the oil tanker, devolution and the resurgence of week notes