Posts tagged "2016"

External Article

GDS: Completing our work to secure digital services

Progress and impact of the work we’re doing to improve the security of government digital services
2 December 2016
External Article

GDS: Incident report – GOV.UK DNS outage

An incident report about several issues that took government services offline
15 November 2016
Archived Post

What I mean when I say "digital transformation"

Digital transformation is a phrase that gets thrown about a lot in government circles at the moment.

It means different things to different people. This makes it impossible for people to really understand what you mean when you say it.

I’m not the first to write something about this. Simon recently wrote about how the phrase is misused. Matt has also written good things.

18 October 2016
Archived Post

Plenty done

A few weeks ago was my fifth anniversary at the Government Digital Service.

I’ve had the opportunity to work on a huge number of important projects in various roles including software developer, technical lead, product owner, delivery manager, troubleshooter and technical architect.

From building GOV.UK to travelling to DVLA in Swansea every week creating new digital services. From rebuilding a service that takes billions of pounds in payments in just a few weeks to bringing IT back in house after 30 years of outsourcing. From sitting on the technology spend control board to hiring hundreds of skilled people into government.

13 October 2016
External Article

GDS: Updating our security guidelines for digital services

Work we’re doing to improve the security of government digital services
28 June 2016