A little late this week.
On Monday I got to spend a day visiting the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) in Bristol. Amongst other things, VOSA look after the MOT service. They’ve got a small internal development team and some SMEs working on various internal tools and an alpha of a potential future MOT service. It’s fantastic to see this sort of thing happening in departments that are getting very little support from GDS.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we continued looking at DVLA vehicles services and started to put together our recommendations for the scope of the project and where we could start. There was also the end of sprint showcase for the IEP project where they showed off some of the internal JSON APIs and auditing that sit behind the public facing website.
On Thursday I sat in on some great sessions with CESG looking at some of the issues we’re facing around government and looking at things around risk management.
I also attended one of the GDS dev meetings. These sessions give devs from different parts of GDS the chance to share what they’ve been working on. They happen fairly regularly but always have a different group of devs. I’ve not made it to one since before Christmas so it was a good chance to catch up.
Friday was a lost cause as I spent the day emptying buckets in my flat after a serious water leak in my building. Luckily the leak has now stopped and the damage in my flat was pretty minimal (others weren’t so lucky).
Finally, if you want to know more about things happening at GDS, my colleague James Stewart (Head of Technology at GDS) has joined Jordan and me writing notes notes every week. It appears to be catching!